The school uniform is compulsory at Albert Park Primary School and is available through Primary School Wear - PSW.
The PSW shop is located in Port Melbourne.
Uniform may be ordered in one of these ways:
In person at the PSW store. You may download Uniform List for your information.
Order uniform online from PSW
Second Hand Uniform
The secondhand uniform shop, run by volunteer parents, is open each Tuesday from 8.50 to 9.15am, currently located in Room 6 in the main school building. Enter via the door near Daisy's Gate (Victoria Ave).
You can also place an order for second hand uniforms via the form below, that can be delivered to your child in their classroom. No cash please.
Second Hand Uniform Order Form
Labels and Lost Property
All school bags, uniforms and other items brought to school should be clearly labelled. Our lost property bin fills quickly and are emptied fortnightly, sorted and labelled items are returned to the students. Any items remaining are laundered and placed in the second-hand uniform shop for resale. The lost property bin is a red wire basket located in the school foyer adjacent to the office.
Hats must be worn at all times when outside from September to April.
Hint: Individually decorate hats so that they are easily identifiable by your child and their friends.
© Albert Park Primary School