As a community, we aim to embrace the positives of technology for teaching practice, for enhancing our students’ learning and for positive relationship building.
Albert Park Primary School maintains an eSmart accreditation from the Alannah and Madeline Foundation for our eSmart Program, which has been in operation since 2009. Our current accreditation is the highest possible standard to achieve for public or independent schools. We have achieved this status by striving for excellence in our school policies and procedures in relation to Information and Communications Technology (ICT) usage.
The aim of the eSmart program is to build our students’ capacity to make wise choices and limit irresponsible risk-taking, as well as promoting good interpersonal relationships.
eSmart is a framework for schools to implement a whole-school culture and behaviour relevant to the smart, safe and responsible use of digital technologies. The eSmart framework promotes strategies for dealing with a broad range of cyber-risks.
We explicitly teach and value our eSmart Pledge and all students also have an eSmart Licence. All students, with the support of their guardians, must sign the Junior, Middle or Senior Acceptable Terms of Use Agreements each year. This to ensure the clear communication of our guiding values for ICT usage for all students and guardians.
eSMART Community Engagement Program at Albert Park Primary School
We have had a whole school Community Engagement Program in operation since 2012, with sessions presented by the Alannah and Madeline Foundation and PROJECT ROCKIT.
These sessions have been dedicated to teaching our students and organisational stakeholders the importance of cybersafety when engaging and communicating within digital platforms. To ensure that we are comprehensively aware of current online issues, we have provided a 90 minute workshop for senior students, a staff professional development session and a Parent Information Session. Students and other caregivers (grandparents, nannies, coaches, etc.) have been welcomed to attend the Parent Information Session.
We operate under the guidelines set by the Victorian policies from the Department of Education and Training, Victoria. These policies relate to Bullying and Cyberbullying.
The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) requires Victorian schools to have policies which provide students with a safe learning environment where the risk of harm is minimised and they feel physically and emotionally secure.
The most important resources for safe and responsible use of ICT can be found within the Department of eSafety portal.
Parents may also find the Australian Federal Police website ThinkUKnow useful with up-to-date digital information including the latest apps and software used by young people, parental controls, screentime contracts and how to keep your children safe online.
© Albert Park Primary School