Term 1: 29 January (teachers start) to 28 March
Term 2: 15 April to 28 June
Term 3: 15 July to 20 September
Term 4: 7 October to 20 December
Term 1: 28 January (teachers start) to 4 April
Term 2: 22 April to 4 July
Term 3: 21 July to 19 September
Term 4: 6 October to 19 December
School Zone
To confirm your zoned school the Department of Education and Training has a website for you to check: findmyschool.vic.gov.au
If your child is absent, it is important to notify the school either via Compass or a phone call.
If you are late arriving at school or should it be necessary to collect your child before 3.30pm, parents must sign in/out the child at the Compass Kiosk in the office.
Parents of children who are not present for the taking of the morning roll at 9.00am will receive an SMS notifying that their child is 'absent from school without a reason'. Teachers do not interrupt their instruction time to amend the roll if your child arrives moments after 9.00am.
Repeated lateness will be followed up via contact with the family. Under new legislation since 2014, parents can be fined when there are unexplained absences.
Assembly is held most Fridays at 3.00pm and is a celebration of learning. It is held either outside (weather permitting) or in the school hall. Parents are welcome to attend. Assembly is not held when the year 6 students are on a sports gala day. On the last day of terms 1, 2 and 3 assembly is held at 2.00pm. Term 4 assembly is held at 1.00pm for a 1.30 finish on the last day of the school year.
Sun Smart Policy
From September to April there is a "No hat - No play" policy within the school. It is necessary for your child to have a bucket or broad-brimmed hat every day at school during the summer months and it is highly recommended during the cooler season. Clothing that protects the shoulders from the sun must be worn and appropriate footwear is essential.
Extreme Weather Days
During recesses too wet/hot for play outdoors, teachers are rostered to supervise indoors. Should it start to rain while already at play, the school bell is sounded, an announcement made to call students back indoors and appropriate activities are organised within classrooms.
Sustainable Transport
The school encourages children to come to school on foot, by bike, scooter or by tram. Racks are provided to store bikes and scooters during the day. Bike and scooter riding is not permitted in the school yard. Please ask your child to dismount and wheel their bike or scooter to the bike enclosure. Please remember that helmets must be worn when riding a bike or scooter. Importantly, do not leave bikes and scooters at the school overnight as they are not safe from theft from the general public.
Medication will be administered by the school nurse, if it is necessary that your child take medication at school. Label medication clearly with your child’s name, the correct dose, the time the medication is to be given, and provide written permission for the medicine to be administered. Form can be downloaded via this link: Medication Authority Form or collected from the office. The only medication that a child may have on them is for asthma. In these cases, parents are recommmended to provide an asthma management plan.
Head Lice
The Victorian Government Health Information website gives information on the treatment for headlice http://www.health.vic.gov.au/headlice/
© Albert Park Primary School